
on .." The freak show and it's passing thru the Valley of the Shadow of Death " part 23 " Wayne B, Hitchhiking, and new course..."

Jesus ground gears all the way thru Greenville before
Stan could take no more. This saintly hippy 
was killin' him, " Your killin' me...", Stan said
getting up from his seat behind Mrs. Alvin,
from Alberta, Canada, and reaching for the 
Nobody was hurt.
The luggage rack could be put back together 
with " a couple of screws... If I had my tools..."
Said Neil Shanks , a handyman from Duluth
returning from seeing his sister in Gulfport.
Jesus was unceremoniously escorted off the bus,
the passengers were less than tolerant.
" Sorry man, there's a mutiny brewin' in there
amongst those " with questions and schedules to keep..."
whiny bastards..." said Stan, hat in hand.
Lil' Moco slyly pissed on Stan's leg...

..." That was not necessary..." Jesus said to Lil' Moco.
" I just got tired of that " dirty hippy " reference,
so I so I pissed on his leg...What ?  I'm a dog.
Dog's have broader boundaries  . 
lower standards and all that ...", Lil' Moco lobbied.

So now they were on foot. Not the first time.
The bus drove by and Lil' Moco sat up on his hind legs
and growled. It was really all he could do.
He was a little tired afterwards.

" Hey, thanks for the ride...I'm Jesus and this
 is Lil' Moco..." 

Abe drove alot. He worried, and the La Salle was a good 
place to think. Jesus could barely fit his skinny frame into the seat
covered in maps and fone books
and travel books of Thailand, The sun coast of Spain,
India, and West Covina, California.
Lil' Moco coughed. " Hhhhhugmmmmm..."
and again " Hhhhhhugmmmmm"...
catching the attention of Jesus engulfed in 
the ramblings of Wayne B " call me Wayne B ..."
he said.
Lil' Moco gave him a wink.
Then rolled his eyes.
Made a cook-coo clock sound... " Cook-coo".
Wayen was driving to Richmound ,
" gotta pick up my unemployment check..."
he said, passing Jesus some smoke...

Some many miles later...
...Jesus plied some maps and a couple of guide
books aginst the window and went to sleep.
Lil'Moco jumped thru the seats onto the consol
and studied Wayne. After a few minutes Lil' Moco said,
" So Wayne B , who exactly was this Brautigan cat...? ",
sending Wayne to yelling " What the fucking helllll  !!!!"
and swerving about the empty road for a minute yelling...
" Jesus Christ Holy frickin' Jesus !!!..oops, sorry Jesus... ". 
The big La Salle was an ocean liner,
so it mushed around the empty road...
Wayne said , " you talk ? ".
Lil' Moco said , " Yeah ".
And Wayne said, " Can you roll ? "
Lil' Moco said, " I have no thumb's Wayne...".
And Wayne said, " Ohhh, right right...."

Be well todo Mundo,


©jpl2009 " On the freak show and It's passing thru the Valley of the Shadow of Death pt. 1-23"
foto: Dail Cresh 1955