
On..." The freak show
and it's passing thru the
Valley of the Valley of the
Shadow of Death
Part 45

" ...Ok, now turn on the fan...", said Miles to an excited Lil' Moco
The two infra-stoners had figured out the vaporizer. This was the first test.
Lil' Moco barked and growled at the ever expanding turkey basting bag
as it filled with the essence of the ' NFO ' brand they'd scored from their
guy Julio...Miles had pushed together two ashtrays to fit the valve,
he nosed it in just enough to take a giant hit..." wooooooooooooo ",
woooooed Miles, rolling onto his side...Lil' Moco smiled, nosing a hit,
and smiled again as he felt his eyes turning red...

Meirdina growled...
"...Death brother please lets get on with this trip....You know your face
will stick that way forever if you keep doing that... Come on Man,
let's go to the restaurant, I'll buy you a slab of pork ribs in savory
BBQ sauce... Man, I am SO fucking tried of being in a casino..."
and then Meirdina bit Death on the ankle...
" WHY YOU LITTLE VARMENT !!!! " yelled an angry Death...

The guys in the suits, the one's with no necks had little problem
throwing Death from the Plaza Hotel. Out onto the front drive
with barely a thud. Death was indignant, but content.
THAN THIS BUDDY !!!!!", screamed Death at the no necks.
He had a plan. He had to keep his cool, so, he only sent David,
the blonde no neck to the fiery depths of hell. He would make a
good companion for Klaus, the German. Death liked Klaus, he
had a streak of ingenious cruelty about him, one that made Death
consider retiring, leavin' Klaus to the leg work and himself to the office
where he could relax and write his memoirs...petting a cat or something
like Lex Luther or Mrs. Silverman...

Meirdina waddled up to Death and licked his hand,
Death looked at the ugly 10,000 year old toothless poodle
with different eyes..." Yeah all the fuck right, Let's get outta this
podunk town before I really get mad... ". Said Death, raising
his voice at the "...Before I really get mad part.

Charles, a no neck called around for his partner David,
" David ! " he shouted...Going in to the casino...
" David.....! " Charles yelled.

to be continued

Be well todo Mundo,


©2010spljpl " on...The freakshow and it's passing thru the Valley of the Shadow of Death" 1-46
Foto: Poorlydressed.com