
...The freakshow continues.....part 1

uvieu, España

I, I don t believe, sometimes, that these things are really occuring. sat last nite in a little bar. the girl, she stayed at the house searching for a free anti-virus download... there are 7 of my paintings showing on the smoky walls of that little bar... i sat . smoking with diego and the boys... watching the smoke rise. cloudin my view....

on the big video screen are the fotos from the cd of 2006 work, and lookin at these old paintings im thinking..."Man... these are all in the hands of evil dreadful woman , so they are..." the story will be a long one. we re in the spanish courts you know...

i am getting bored. No, i am bored. sittin there, contributing to yet another cap of hash laced nicotine scum over the painting called " Mundanzas Que-ho " im thinkin " there aint been no action, no derverision , no grand miricles , no earth moving, nor nerve rattling strife in nearly 6 months...huh. " 6 months ago i was in court with the witch 5 times. nerve rattling? Action ? Earth moving? Life altering? you betcha.

fran the agro punk called yesterday arternoon. " if i was there i d just give you a good slap upsied the head...and tell you, as i was driving you to the hospitial ,to get on with it already. the shits GONE!!!!!!!!!. get used to it...YOU AINT NEVER GONNA SEE THOSE PAINTINGS , YOUR CAT OR THOSE REALLY COOL BOOTS EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and then i d probably give ya another slap upside the head just to reinforce my " advice ". Get on with it already my brother...."

Hes probably more right than i m willing to believe or except... glad he was nt here, so i am...

When life deals you a hand of freaks..... You make a freakshow.
im cool , but the freakshows gettin a little larger than i had planned or prepared for, your honor, and well......

be well todo mundo.
i m cool....


(jlevel77@yahoo.com )


,,, and julian sells for about 5 million pesetas cada painting...SO WHAT!!!!!.....

uvieu, españa

recive mail from marco fuoco today. sez theres a castle in florience he wants to buy...he will.
me, im smokin, its 7:30am, a monday. im still in paln weekend until manaña, como siempre...

Theres 7 new paintings hangin at the olivar, in uvieu.... julian, he s not showing here. not makin 5 millione a painting... 5 black lines, 5 million. easy. julian, hes little imagaination. but, thats the problem with this medium... just 5 lines...

just in flux, man. just in flux. i promise to write something worthy of your time tommorow.
until then...paint,draw,sculpt,film,record,design,or play with your computer...do something. juliains takin all the clients and money......5 black lines...5 million pesetas..... easy, no?

be well todo mundo.

J Level

( jlevel77@yahoo.com )


..." we re just gonna sit here and smoke...ok?!"...


" man .. im fuckin sick....
"it s only the flu. you wont be dying or anything. Relax..."

Ive probably been smoking alittle too much.
and ive probably taken things a little too seriously these past months.
And ive probably proved my immotality,on moe than one occasion,to one or moe of these people
im dealin with on a day to day basis.... some times i forget... we deal with everyone differently. dependin on
whom they are. me ...? as we all know my story, im wonderin about yours...thats all. just a wonderin...

worlds surreal and i dont have a real camera with which to document these few thoughts i had...
probably better. " You ve enough political problems, Jess... " one dear friend reminded me. Probably right.
so, these words will do, until Fuoco gets around to gettin here. he will re-infect me, and i, will again make movies.
not movies for everybody... but lets face it, art, ain t for everyone. probably better that way...

... so to those with the art hidden behind the sofa... keep it there. probably better for everyone.
me? im smokin and got the flu, but paintin and writin and prayin for that miricle.... they happen you know..? and to the damndest people... or no ?

Be well todo mundo...

J Level


...we think,therefore we are....


Been a long strange trip to here. there are things and they are getting the best of me...somewhat.
theres very little happening in the world of art. we paint, and we think therefore we are....

be well todo mundo

J. Level


"...los manolos..."


Its over. thank god its over. many emotions rubbed wrong. many traps.... we survive xmas.

im beginning another year under enemy fire, should be friendly fire... but look where we are. there are going to be many stories this year, stay glued.

will they complete their demonious task??????????????????????
will the door close quietly...? or will it be slammed shut???????????????

only the State knows for sure..... I, will keep you informed...thank god i have yolanda watching my back.....

be well todo mundo.....



..otra cuadro robado por Rosa Maria Valdes Martinez, Uvieu;España...

robado por Rosa Maria Valdes Martinez... "ultima cena"

uvieu, españa

" if you could just lay alittle more on me....No, please..."

This is a stolen painting. it remains in the hands of Rosa Maria Valdes Martinez.... Whos changed her phone number.... she has many paintings, like 400 or so...
Stole them for the money...it España. We do this here...

I begin 2007 with the same 6 th sence, as in 2006. its a strange feeling to be feeling like im living in a weird independent film production, but..... ive seen many. i know how to think....

" i feel like im livin' in the midts of a werid independent film script, cariño......??? " ....Silence....

"...pues bueno...vale..."

it s Only weird and hard...?
Huh. Thats nothing. they ve tried it before... We ve always rode right on....we ve always been blessed, us few....

" ....Im jus gonna ride on.....vale?"

And we all rode on on....

Be well todo mundo...

J. Level



"..... so, you have a plan..."


"do you have a plan...?"
"everyone has a plan..."

Plans change. ive been workin on the 24 hour business plan for about 8 years now...sometimes it works.
for this new year i plan to just paint,and wait for the results. there are many traps waiting for this ex patriot this year.
many traps. i will probably squeak by clean...like always.

so, to those whom read things like my blog,..we are in those crtiial first hours of a new year. write something, film something, paint something,...contribute. theres much to do, say ,act and comfirm...lots to do. im going to work...

thats all.
be well todo mundo...

