
...it will.

Be well todo mundo,



be well todo mundo,



" A Normal Guy Named Death " part 2

...The cat was on the table when Death opened the door.
" GIIIIT !! SHOOOO !!!! BAD KITTY BAD !!!!!! ", scolded Death,
putting the bags of potatoes , mangos and " UUMMMMM
Organic Strawberries.....", on the new glassed topped diningroom table
just delivered last week.
Death looked at the table.
" There are cat prints all over this table..." said Death, looking over
to Roy Earl licking a paw....

... The mail fell thru the slot in the door
" like flittering leaves to the floor...", recited Death
Death looked thru the mail,
" Been alotta folks....and I'm gettin' pretty old for this gig...."
reflected Death.

...Death sat down and opened a letter from one J.Level.
"Artist, x-patriot, exile....tired. OH ! theres a CD or somthing !!!
Roy Earl !!!! come here, let's look at this...( looking at the return address)
Ahhhh- J.Level is sending us something.... Come on !!!! ", coxed Death.

...Death discussed the paintings with Roy Earl and it was decided,
" for a laugh..." , giggled Death, " ...to let this one "squirm" alittle longer..."
It was really Roy Earl's idea...
and Death agreed.
They both like the " Manolin en directo ",
but Death liked " Si, robaos Meninas " more...
" yeah, let him squirm a little longer..." said Death.

Be well todo mundo.


" A Normal Guy Named Death"


...Ahh like the second world isn't more civilized ??
Myself and the fine brother Elo,
smoking in the airport.
Styl smiles,
It's warm,
and the heaviest is behind us,
for the moment...
...putting off the next wave,
the Spanish wave
with it's criminals
and traitors
for an emotional breather,
good food,
and a dose of reason.
Maybe something will be painted...

be warm todo mundo,


At The Mall...with Death & Jesus...(an archive post)


Death levitated, lookin' out over the parking lot.....
Death said, ".... Can't see the damned thing anywhere..." hoovering over a Fiat.
Jesus said, " I TOLD you , it's in the LL section...Arrrrrg, come down, and come on...". Stomped Jesus, huffingly.
Death said, " ...You hate this place don't you...? ", smiling.
Jesus said, looking at his sandles, " Hate ? strong word, hate. "Dispise", NOW there's a word for ya. Despise.
I despise cooked carrots. I despise yippi little dogs, I dispise the Amerikan health care system
I dispise the person trying to make that left turn acrossed the double yellow line at rush hour...
You know I think they should let the bloody Taliban come here and just do traffic control...
I'd bet good money that the first beheading for such a heinous infraction, would encourge the others...thus eliminating that problem...And, yes, I despise the Mall. Really. "

They walked about the lot for about a half an hour, discussing what they each despised...
Death said, " I despise those little hotdogs in a jar..." Cocktail franks " Yeech !...and those
horrible bald cats...You know your neihbour what's her name ?...Mrs. Slivermen ?
Can't stand the wretched woman...."
Death continues , " You hate this place don't you...Eh ? "
Jesus said , " YES !. I hate the mall. The people whom inhabit it and the commerical
desert they offer as " the latest thing ". Crass commericalisim Ca -Chunk Ca-Chunk Ca-Chunk
Theres Three More !!! just like everyone. Like you !!!
HUMMMMM ? HAPPY ??? EH ? ...." screaming.
Death said, " Like me ? with my one suit and sandles ?..."
Death said, " Ah ! here we are...you've got the keys, No ? ..."
Jesus said, " ....I - I - I thought you had um'... ??????? "
Death smiles.....

Be well todo mundo.

" At The Mall with Death and Jesus " ©spl2007
the painting :" El Picaro " 24x27cm watercolor/paper 400 euros (sold)