
Harvey's sunday call....

...talkin' with Harvey the near prophet
he sez he's reasonable.
" I'm reasonable..."
Getting new material out there
is  the advice of the near prophet
" I was invited to a party given by some 
people my friend knew, I waited for the moment.
They were the Yoga/ meditation crowd, resentful, 
fragile, not so dedicated, 
constantly checking their fones.
The lady asked me, and I have been waiting
for this a week and a half...
" Do you meditate ?" she asked.
" ...well , no really, I masturbate...", Harvey said
" The room broke up. Funniest thing they'd ever herd..."
he said. Smiling. 
In his element.

 I'm workin' on a play.
About Spain...
It's smells
and sensations,
and moment's
of pure bliss.
Harvey said it was 
"reasonable "...
I'll keep working.

" Make great art,
eat well,
feel young, 
and don't take yourself to seriously..."
Harvery's sign off phrase,
like mine,

Be well todo mundo,
