
...Heros # 2...70x54cm oil on canvas


A man approached me on the street and asked " your not going to show those paintings of the concentration camp...are you ? " i said " yes. yes i am." the brother then said this, " your lucky your not in America, talking this shit...maybe you should go back to Mexico, where you came from..." . " Wo", i said... "i did'nt think my spanish was that good, thanks."
i spent some months in a village in north Mexico , Bahia Keno, 1996. it was a different world then, but they did,nt know it there in the village at the end of the road. Had other worries, like food and clean water, and a real doctor to come and install himself in that little paradise... at the end of the road.. every year someone leaves for good, a funeral, of sorts, is held for the absent ones, as none return...they go to start over in america, where the streets are paved with gold, and this poor artist, is nowhere to be found...yep, gonna show the paintings of the concentration camp, so i am...My impression of Heros...

be well todo mundo...look it up.. Bahia Keno , Mexico DF, and costa de marfil, thats africa, friends....
