
....the bubbles have floated away

So, we lose Don Ho. grew up with Don Ho, and it is'nt until now i give him his worth. the bubbles have floated away, and now i've to buy " the complete Don Ho "... little by little we're loosing um', our heros. we need more...
i've mine, and you ? i'm thinking of Jim Wilson, the neibhour next door on Kukui st., in Huntington Beach, Ca. my families first home. Jim taught me to play chess, to paint, table tennis, and the first naked woman i saw in life ...? yep, jim's lovely wife ______, don't remember her name. he had the first mercedes i'd seen, and could shave his head without a mirror... a hero of mine, Jim Wilson.

Vaya con dios Don Ho....

Be well todo mundo. im sportin a hawaiian shirt today, i suggest you do the same...Don Ho.

( jlevel77@yahoo.com)