
On..." The Freak show and it's passing thru thr Valley of the Shadow of Death" part 25 " Another resturant with Jesus ..."

( for Dabs, enjoy. And for all 25 chapters click on " The freakshow" in "things you may find"
this will be almost the last entry of the freak show. I'm planning a book based on the stories
so download them now. They be valueable later. The freak show will pay off. Worry not. The world is good.)

"...!! Will you get this dog offff meeee, damn !!!" , yelled Wayne B.
Lil' Mocos had reacted poorly to Wayne B's comment on intelligent
design, Darwin, and the existence of God. The reaction was a strong one,
Lil' Mocos trying, and trying to gum his way thru to Wayne B's jugular.
Calmly Jesus scooped up Lil' Mocos off poor Wayne B's neck,
and holding him up to his skinny face he said, " You will behave
yourself ", plopping a small kiss on the dog's curly head...

The waitress dropped the brimmin' plates.
Corned beef hash for Wayne B. Biscuits and sausage gravy
for Jesus, who broke off a chunk o pork for Lil' Mocos.
As Wayne B wiped the slobbery goo from his neck with a
napkin holder napkin, he said... "... Now what in the hell was that ? ",
" You crossed the line sir, grrrrrrrrrr-....hack -cough-wheeeeeeze-
wheeeeeez-grrrrrrrr... ", growl-wheezed the little, old, toothless
Lil' Mocos nearly up on the table, growled.... " Im Jesus's Dawg muther fu*%&#."

" Both ya'll stop !!!! ",
Jesus hissed. The guy in the next booth, Steve Manowit,
an out of work screenwriter from Charlotte, North Carolina
sunk a little lower in his seat. "...I will tell you a secret if you'll both
mind the peace...", offered Jesus to Lil' Mocos and Wayne B',
whom nodded suspiciously...

Jesus chomped a biscuit. Wayne B
and Lil' Mocos hung on every chomp... and Jesus said, " You ever see
an orchid ?. Frickinly weird and obscenely curious, I have a friend
Ed, lives in Washington, the guy grows the most fascinating orchids.
Sez they, " ...come from a mix of all the beautiful women he had ever known.
That they left behind their essence and the flowers played on it..."
What it really is, is a creation of Neil Blim. God's R & D guy.
Just after the beginning, more or less. I saw him running up the hall
towards Dad's office one day with this alien looking plant mumbling something
about Venus and Granada and some thing named Dali...
Neil's also responsible for that little bug with
all the legs...ahhhh? Damn !??? ...". " ... A centipede ? " offered Wayne B,
" Right ! Neil Blim ", said Jesus, soppin' up some gravy and feeding it to
Li' Mocos... " So, your saying " Created ", asked Lil' Mocos.
" Yep ", said Jesus. And little Mocos jumped up and looked Wayne B
in the eyes and said, " HA! I TOLD YOU SO ! ", beginning to roll around
on his back singing..." na-na-naa-na-na-na naa-na hey hey....", so he did.
And Wayne B said " Git out...the rib, the apple, and of course the hot babe
Eve, man I tell ya..." and Wayne went on, and Jesus explained, and
Lil' Mocos fell asleep, content. " So this crawlin' out the mud and monkey's
to man posters... I like the one where it's a monkey evolving into G.W. Bush
that was funny as hell..." Wayne B went on...

" Damn !!! ", said Wayne B.
" Damn !!! ", said Steve Manowitz in the booth behind Jesus, Wayne B,
and the contently serene Lil' Mocos sleeping with his head touching
Jesus thigh...
so he knew he was there.

to be continued...

be well todo mundo,

J. Level

©jpl2009 " On.. "The freakshow and it's passing thru the Valley of the Shadow of Death" pts1-25
foto: Mich Timmins