
A rare comment on current events....

Muntathar al-Zaidi.
A hero, whom has shown that Mr.Bush
could see when passions flare, and it's simply
a passionate act happenin' here. He said the
only thing a man in his position could say,
" I wasn't threatened ".
" This is a good thing, freedom
of expression...".
" We want peace... ",
sayin' everyone...would have done
the same. Or no ?
He spoke the truth.
He was cool with it.
Muntadhar al-Ziadi should be free.
No harm. No foul. Bush said it.

I met some Arab men in a place in the
deep south of Spain once, whom
gave a differing opinon on the man...
" He is a hero that saved the world...".
" God love Mr. Bush " ( in broken spanish-darija-english)
I herd that. All valid.
I kept my mouth shut.
That's called tact, the art of shutting one's mouth ,
before some one shuts it for you.
Free Muntadhar al-Zaidi.

Bernard Madoff. " Bernardo" to you and me.
He fell on his sword, and took all the blame.
All the " VICTIMS ", are guilty of the worst
form of greed. It probably always amazed
and made dance on table's, the investor
whom watched as the recessions of the 80's
ate their neighbours alive and the money rolled right in.
It's good to know " broke " for once in one's life.
I don't fear broke.
" Bernado " Madoff, now there's a brother that's made
peace with broke, or no.
Read. Study the Tora. Paint. Write your book.
write the children's book...

That's what I've to say about current events.
Won't happen again for a spell, I assure you.

Oh, they'll be 7 billion people on the planet
by 2010. India has a billion point 3 or so,
Amerika...300 million.

May we all live with great views from the 133 rd floor...
Good, no ? 190 floor buildings everywhere
to house the overflow...

be well todo mundo,

J. Level

foto: "Son of Muntadhar al-Zaidi " BBC
" Bernardo " Madoff ( no idea )