
... Ain't the second world but you can see it from here...


If you are a regular reader of my blog, you'll notice that the page "Stolen Paintings"
is no more. The woman, and we know who she is, filed a warrant against the page and it's author, and it has reached the courts. the world has freaked, again ...,and I am indignant... like always. This system of justice is biased, and it's looking like they are going to permit this evil woman to walk free with 86 paintings, and 8 years of my life... Ain't the second world but you can see it from here...

One may still help, should one buy a Jess Level Painting in Spain, please ask for a declaration of authenticity and a receipt of the sale,and contact me at Jlevel77@yahoo.com, or contact the National police....This is all we've left, friends. Sorry, crime is crime, and in this case crime is NOT crime...go figure.

Some sad shit brothers and sisters... I'm pretty tired of this injustice. It's getting pretty disgusting, the impunity some people think they posses....with all the mayors of Marbella in jail and a level of accepted corruption at an all time high, their going for the immigrant... again. The Freakshow continues...

Be well todo mundo,

the painting : " San Mateo no.5" 81x101 cm oil on linen. Whereabouts..."unknown"...huh.