
"...on Magreit or Wilson, Macgiever and nurses of mercy..."

June in the windy, rainy city, and another saturday morning 'bout 7:33. watchin' Macgeiver, who's spanish is perfect, smokin', and lookin' thru the collection of thinkers and masters, friends the well is'nt dry, but, i believe more beer is in order... Nurse...if you will, please.
Magreit. I like Magreit. Donald Roller Wilson, i like him too. The big green apple ? or the chimp series ?
copies of copies. Lookin' for something new, something weird, something beautiful...
...So Macgeiver is bustin' outta a mexican prison using yarn, a peice of wire, and some gum....Wow! blew a big ol' hole in the wall.... he's drivin' a pick up thru... OOOOO! he's yellin' something, wait...... "Hasta la vista...!!!" Jo!
Thats Saturday morning, and begins another day in this weird and beautiful land....Nurse!!!! Wheres my beer???????????...another day in España.... Nurse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 years and 219 days, thats real time, friends...
be well todo mundo...