
Free...and the freakshow continues Pt.5

This came today. It is the states way of saying " Sorry, huh" i remain indignant, not mad, but indignant.
The girl, and my Father, are the heros here. The sub heros, the people i stayed a few weeks with back in febuary... the workers from bolivia, brazil, nigeria, sudan, costa de marfil, morrocco russia,ukrania, moldavia,, all looking for somthing dignified to call a life ...i'm free, and am looking for whom is responsible, and responsiblities... The freakshow continues. The girl is happy, and the future is lookin' a little better from where i sit writting this....in Uvieu. 8 years and 231 days later.... All good, am a little more immortal than i felt yesterday....thus ready for the ambush at any moment...
be well todo mundo. I am.