
...we are fewer than we were yesterday....

My father called last night. suprised? Yeah, i'm suprised. Called the movil fone, and that means something is amiss in americalandia... and we lose Ken, to a long illness. My uncle. A super military guy. Father, husband, and a freaky...
i lived in his house when i was about 13. He set up a darkroom for me which lead me to paint, which lead me to here...España. A cool guy. I will miss him. And now, we are three. The game seems to be getting more compliacated, and i , a poor artist, living in a very cold and weird place, is wondering if maybe it's just time to cut my losses and head for the ranch...??? am feeling alone on this long strange trip again folks...
So, sunday in the barrio. about 8:45am. the girls asleep, the dog...walked. I sit infront of this little ibook feeling it's the only one that understands me, or wishes to hear what i've got to say.... thanks mac. it's not the best of sundays, and am not looking forward to about 11:00... i feel that sensation again...Ambush. I'm covering my hair and eyes. i suggest ya'll do the same....
Be well todo mundo, I'm tryin'