
Ya'll remember Bernardo, no ?
Bernardo ripped off 50 billion bucks 
and a couple of days ago a judge
sentenced  him a staggering 150 years 
in prison. 
A death sentence, basically.
A vengeful society 
treats the loser
like they forgot the huge bucks they had recently
received...their whin'n about the principal,
remember, Bernardo chose them, 
and they were giddy
 at the prospect of having  
" Bernie ", at the helm of their finances...
until they lost, of course...

A little anger there ?
You bet.
Everyone greedy ?
You bet.

So, for those of you whom have crossed a line,
you know, laundered a bit of cash from a sketchy
source, or those that have taken something sacred,
you know is not yours... remember 150 years
is a very long long long way to pay back your debt...
sure it goes down in years from there
Fact is,  it is a good time to start worrying,
the pressure is gonna get turned up a bit from now on...
No more Julian's
No more Maite's
No more....
We have all been warned.
Be nice. 
Do the right thing.
Everybody wins....
" ...an eye for an eye make the whole world blind..."
Gandi said that and it's probably relevant nowadays...
Negoicate !!!!!

be well todo mundo,


foto: "Bernard Madoff" / Time inc.