
on..." The freak show
and it's passing thru the
Valley of the Shadow of Death "
Part 48 " Death goes home, Little Roy Earl
and Meirdina learns the near wrath of Death "

Death let off a grateful Roy at the on ramp to I -5,
waved good-bye and drove off into the city.
Merdina now occupied the vacant seat to the right of Death,
her bulging eyes fixed on Death...whom cursed the GPS,
adjusted the mirror, fiddled with something under his seat
all while avoiding the stare of Meridina, when she said...
" I hate you...", and Death said..." huh, most people do..."
All around LA, Death drove. Half looking, half not.
Death said " ...We're going to my house ! Hang on !!! "
making a hard right from the left lane slammin' Meirdina
into Death and into the back of the VW where she screamed
" Venganza !!!!!! ", lurching towards the throat of Death.
Death laughed as he swung left into the ally, sending Mierdina
into a mid air change of direction that took her by suprise...
Death hit the opener button exposing a garage built by Beaver Clever's
father ? or Ozzi Nelson...? but no, this was the garage of Death.
Peg board filled with white outlines filled with Craftsmen
Mikita, DeWalt tools and an old steel vise...Death closed the door behind them
and turned smiling towards Meirdina..." NOW you rude little
dog... I can have Klaus, my minion, run a pole thru you from
butt to mouth FOR ETERNITY !!!!!! I can feed you to the chimps
everyday over and over and over FOR ETERNITY !!!!!!
NOW... be a good dog, and mind your manners. Oh, and mind your
tounge around my cat Little Roy Earl, he's very sensitive.
OK, so who wants a really really dry Martini hummmmmm ? " he asked
delitefuly to a shocked Meirdina, whom said..." ok, I like those lil'
onions..." Death turned and glared at Meirdina who smiled nervously...

to be continued...

be well todo mundo,


©2010jplspl " On...The freak show and it's passing thru the Valley of the Shadow of Death" 1-48
Foto: J.Level