
...Domingo, things are gettin' weird

" Where the fuck are we !!! ??? "
"... Sacramento, 1985, I think, sir. "
"... Drive us over to the O'leary's...
take a left and park. I gotta speak with
Marco....he started this all, ya know...?
" Started all this, " what " sir...? "
" This road to art and word, and their
that entered different minds
on all levels
at different times
and that the people look and the people
talk...and good or bad the art has it's desired
effect. I fear no evil Domingo,
my dear old friend...."
" Should I roll us up a few, sir ?... "
" Roll us up more than a few, Brother
probably gonna be here awhile..."
" Are things getting " weird " again , sir ? "
" Always been weird , Domingo...
always been weird..."

Be well todo mundo,

J. Level