
....who'da thunk it ?...

uvieu, españa

... who'da thunk it? im still here. the girl and i faced down the system yesterday.courts and other courts and others.i remain confused but, i'm still here.still working. still with much hope this weird and beautiful country will just forget about me... this poor artist. i doubt this, but ...cold and rain today, my new passport came about 6:30 p to my door. thats yesterday. its my third. they are not super happy with me... but , thats madrid. in torremolinos, ive a friend. she changed the destiny , i thank you ,you actor,you poet... you are invited to asturias. call when you get to warm this summer down there in malaga... the girl would like to meet you... we are tired. the girl and i. be nice to go to moldavia, for a nice vacation. yes, virgina, i said moldavia. then estambul.. then moscow..then nigera... then...? there is still much to do people, and this poor artist is outta here...much to do.

be well todo mundo. DO SOMETHING STRANGE TODAY....you'll feel stronger.
