
..." we re just gonna sit here and smoke...ok?!"...


" man .. im fuckin sick....
"it s only the flu. you wont be dying or anything. Relax..."

Ive probably been smoking alittle too much.
and ive probably taken things a little too seriously these past months.
And ive probably proved my immotality,on moe than one occasion,to one or moe of these people
im dealin with on a day to day basis.... some times i forget... we deal with everyone differently. dependin on
whom they are. me ...? as we all know my story, im wonderin about yours...thats all. just a wonderin...

worlds surreal and i dont have a real camera with which to document these few thoughts i had...
probably better. " You ve enough political problems, Jess... " one dear friend reminded me. Probably right.
so, these words will do, until Fuoco gets around to gettin here. he will re-infect me, and i, will again make movies.
not movies for everybody... but lets face it, art, ain t for everyone. probably better that way...

... so to those with the art hidden behind the sofa... keep it there. probably better for everyone.
me? im smokin and got the flu, but paintin and writin and prayin for that miricle.... they happen you know..? and to the damndest people... or no ?

Be well todo mundo...

J Level